Mario Says The Fuck Word 2

One Night.....
I was up late at night......playing my favorite video game......Super Mario Oddyssey.....
I stared at the vision was.....blury.....I could barely understand the things around me...... controller ceased to work......
Mario....started walking on his own.....
He collected a moon.....turned to the camera.....and said these haunting words.....
......"Look at this moon"......Mario said as he pulled his pants down......
His Caucasian ass......directly at my face......I couldn't look away.....
He looked through his legs......with his big red nose on his face.....and proceeded to say......
I quivered with fear for what had happened to my precious game.......
Suddenly.....I felt.....a presence......
My mother......behind me......
She picked me up by the snout......and told me to not say such things......
Suddenly......her nose became.....large and circular.......her hair.....once black and long.....became short and brown.......
"WAHOO!" she screamed as she threw me into the kitchen......
She proceeded to jump on my face......multiple times.....with her plumber shoes
Then......she pulled down her pants.....and revealed her 12 foot Italian cock.....
"Look at this moon" she said to she proceeded to do the ground pound me......
Before I knew it.....I had been anal vored by her puffy anus......
I try to escape.....but my efforts were wortheless......
I close my eyes.....conceding defeat to my transgender Mario mother......
I wake up the next morning in my Super Mario bedsheets......
I smell a scent.....from the living room
My favorite.....French toast.......
I proceed to use my two legs to enter the kitchen....and go into the living room.....
Next to my Nintendo Switch.....I spot a plate of French Toast......
I smile as I proceed to anal vore the French Toast into my boipussy......
I pick up the Switch controller.....and continue playing Super Mario Odyssey into the night......
The clock strikes 12 o'clock......midnight......I continue collecting moons and coins into the night...... controller.....ceases to work again.....
Mario collects the moon.....jumps in the air.....and sais.....
I get scared.....remembering what happened last night......
I hear the door to my parent's room open......out pops a tall and slim well as a shorter.....more plump figure.....
The shorter of the two turns to the other one.....and says......"Nice of the Princess to invite us over for a picnic, ayy Luigi?"
The taller figure turns to the other.....and says......"I hope she made lots of spaghetti."
I flee to the washer.....fearing I will be anal vored once again......
I hear their footsteps pass by the washer......I am safe once again......
Then.....they turn around.....and open the washer
They stare at me before saying "Help! Peach is stuck in one of Bowser's hotels! And you gotta help us!"
I accept....and proceed to go on an adventure with me new friends Mario and Luigi